Medico oculista e da sempre appassionato di pittura, sia come fruitore che come artista, Gianpiero Actis in questa mostra rende soprattutto omaggio agli “Occhi nell’Arte” del XX e XXI secolo: con tre dei grandi artisti (Lawrence Ferlinghetti e Carolyn Mary Kleefeld negli Stati Uniti e Ugo Nespolo in Italia) è entrato personalmente in contatto ed ha avuto un proficuo scambio di opinioni sul significato dell’ Arte contemporanea e sulle moderne tecniche pittoriche.
Fondatore nel 2007- con la poetessa inglese Aeronwy Thomas (figlia del poeta Dylan Thomas) e con Lidia Chiarelli - del Movimento artistico letterario “Immagine & Poesia”, Actis spesso trae ispirazione dai testi poetici per la realizzazione dei suoi quadri.
In mostra le poesie di Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Aeronwy Thomas e Lidia Chiarelli completano, diventano parte integrante delle immagini.
Sedici “Sguardi d’Artista” dunque, ma anche un paesaggio urbano, una farfalla tra nastri colorati, un mare d’inverno e l’ interpretazione astratta di una vetrina di Tiffany per un viaggio onirico e surreale dove ci faranno da guida - di volta in volta - gli occhi azzurri di Marilyn (da una famosa opera di Andy Warhol), gli occhi vuoti di Modigliani e di Munch o i coloratissimi e geometrici occhi di Picasso, Kandinskij e Miró.
Les Regards des Artistes (Pour Vos Yeux Seulement)
Ophtalmologiste, avec une passion pour la peinture, comme un observateur et comme un artiste, Gianpiero Actis dans cette exposition rend hommage en particulier aux Yeux dans l'Art du XXe et du XXIe siècle.
Avec trois des grands artistes (Lawrence Ferlinghetti et Carolyn Mary Kleefeld aux États-Unis et Ugo Nesplo en Italie) il est venu personnellement en contact et a eu un fructueux échange de vues sur le sens de l'art contemporain et les techniques de la peinture moderne.
Fondateur en 2007 du mouvement artistique et littéraire "Immagine & Poesia avec le poète anglais Aeronwy Thomas (fille de poète Dylan Thomas) et Lidia Chiarelli - Actis est souvent inspiré par les poèmes pour la création de ses tableaux.
En exposition les poèmes de Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Aeronwy Thomas et Lidia Chiarelli complètent et deviennent une partie intégrante des images.
Seize "Regards des Artistes", mais aussi un paysage urbain, un papillon entouré par des rubans colorés, une mer d'hiver et l'interprétation abstraite d'une vitrine de Tiffany pour un voyage surréaliste et onirique où nous sommes guidés - de temps en temps par les yeux bleus Marilyn (d'après une œuvre célèbre d'Andy Warhol), par les yeux vides de Modigliani et de Munch ou les yeux colorés et géométriques de Picasso, Kandinsky et Miró.
Artists’ Glances (Only For Your Eyes)
Gianpiero Actis, an ophthalmologist with a passion for painting, both as a viewer and as an artist, in this exhibition pays homage to the Eyes in Art. Focusing on important trends and works from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Only For Your Eyes, the exhibition, presents paintings by Actis that embrace and respond to poetry and art of the internationally acclaimed poet-artist, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and works of art by accomplished painters, Carolyn Mary Kleefeld of the United States and Ugo Nespolo of Italy.
Actis has met and exchanged thoughts with all three of these artists, and their visions and artistic expressions, particularly how they relate to the eyes, find an echo in his paintings, as do those of many other prominent artists.
Gianpiero Actis, along with poets Lidia Chiarelli and Aeronwy Thomas (the daughter of poet Dylan Thomas) in 2007 founded Immagine & Poesia (Images and Poetry) an international art and literary movement that has grown to become a worldwide organization.
Actis is often inspired by poems in the creation of his paintings. In the exhibition, poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Aeronwy Thomas and Lidia Chiarelli complete and become an integral part of the images.
Presented are a selection of sixteen of these "Artists’ Glances" along with images of urban landscapes, lyrical butterflies surrounded by colorful ribbons, a winter sea, and an abstract interpretation of a Tiffany window. They join to create a surreal and dreamlike journey where we are guided by the vision of Actis, and - from time to time - by Marilyn’s blue eyes (from Andy Warhol’s famous artwork), by the empty orbits of Modigliani and Munch, and by the colorful and geometric eyes of Picasso, Kandinsky and Miró.
(revised by Mary Gregory, New York)
E l’intera città dormiente va alla deriva ...
come un dirigibile perduto
dell’immenso mistero
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Pittura e poesia, cultura e percorso surreale, costituiscono gli aspetti e le valenze espressive della ricerca di Gianpiero Actis, dove il discorso si snoda attraverso una linea incisiva che fissa un’idea, un’intuizione, un’emozione.
In questa dimensione, si entra in diretto contatto con la mostra allestita nelle sale della «Promotrice» al Valentino, con un «corpus» di lavori che sviluppano il tema «Sguardi d’Artista (Only for Your Eyes)» con particolare riferimento alle personalità di Ugo Nespolo, dell’americana Carolyn Mary Kleefeld e del poeta della Beat Generation Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
Un omaggio, quindi, a personaggi di indubbio prestigio in campo internazionale, alla vitalità di un linguaggio che dall’arte alla letteratura esprime le interiori riflessioni sul contemporaneo, a una vicenda decisamente ancorata a questo nostro tempo quanto mai complesso e ricco di trasformazioni socio-culturali.
Actis affida alla pittura la volontà di comunicare, di trascrivere sulla tela le immagini di una realtà rivisitata, di fissare un volto o un’espressione o una poesia nello spazio della memoria:«..ascolto la musica struggente/ che il ritmo della pioggia/ compone lentamente/ per me»(Lidia Chiarelli).
E in questa angolazione, la sua creatività si misura con il Movimento artistico letterario «Immagine&Poesia», che ha fondato nel 2007 insieme alla poetessa inglese Aeronwy Thomas, figlia del poeta Dylan Thomas, alla pittrice Silvana Gatti, alla poetessa Sandrina Piras e a Lidia Chiarelli, scrittrice, ideologa e coordinatrice del movimento.
Vi è in Gianpiero Actis la consapevolezza del valore della ricerca pittorica, del colore, del segno che presiede alla formulazione delle composizioni tra dimensione geometrica e dato onirico.
Una dimensione che ha radici nell’insegnamento del pittore e docente di Storia dell’Arte Riccardo Chicco, al tempo del Liceo Classico Massimo d’Azeglio.
Accanto alle poesie della Chiarelli, di Ferlinghetti e gli «haikus» di Aeronwy Thomas, le sue opere sono caratterizzate da un vibrante cromatismo: dalla sequenza dei rossi ai verdi, dagli azzurri ai gialli, in una sorta di viaggio all’interno della propria identità di uomo e artista.
E sono grandi occhi immersi nell’atmosfera o in spazi metafisici, che concorrono a definire l’attuale ciclo di Actis segnato da sedici «Sguardi d’Artista»: il dolore di Munch e la figura femminile di Modigliani, la ragazza pop di Lichtenstein e la sempre affascinante Marilyn di Andy Warhol.
In questa galleria di volti e riferimenti pittorici si scoprono, di tavola in tavola, Matisse e Mirò, Picasso e Kandinskij, sino a Tuninetto il cui ricordo testimonia l’attenzione di Actis per l’ambiente artistico torinese.
Gli sguardi raccontano il trascorrere del tempo, delle sensazioni, degli incontri dinanzi a «lampioni antichi/ frammenti di luce/ filtrata dal buio della notte», come scrive Lidia Chiarelli.
E una farfalla, un limpido paesaggio e una simbolica veduta, ricreano i momenti del lungo cammino attraverso le stagioni della vita e del sogno.
Angelo Mistrangelo, novembre 2014
Les Regards des Artistes (Pour Vos Yeux Seulement)
L'exposition "Les regards des Artistes (Pour Vos Yeux Seulement)” est une exposition bi-dimentionnelle au rythme poétique (organisée par Lidia Chiarelli, coordinatrice d'Immagine
& Poesia, mouvement artistique et littéraire fondé en 2007 à Torino) présentant les dernières créations originales de l'artiste, Gianpiero Actis .
Gianpiero Actis, dont le professeur d'Art fut le grand peintre de Turin, Riccardo Chicco, rend un vibrant hommage aux oeuvres principales des grands peintres du XXe siècle et
du XXIe siècle dans la construction de ses
tableaux en incorporant dans l'iris des yeux de ses compositions, la représentation des plus célèbres toiles que nous avons tous en mémoire comme le cri de Munch...le sourire de Marilyn d'Andy
Warhol..les nuages de Magritte.
Les tableaux dans l'espace créent un rythme et des repères spatio-temporels par les mémoires des grands peintres chers à nos coeurs que l'artiste Gianpiero Actis réveille, par les couleurs vives
et joyeuses, structurées et légères qui entourent les yeux, thème principal de l'exposition, apportant une dimension de légèreté: des papillons semblent surgir des toiles, des villes aux murs de
couleurs nous invitent à une ballade sous la pluie, un arbre magique envoie des rayons de couleurs chaudes, les bleus sont au ciel et le rouge aux sentiments.
Tout est sa place, sous la coordination de Lidia Chiarelli qui a réunit artistes, photographes, poètes, dessinateurs du monde entier pour l’installation “Pour vos yeux seulement” apportant
ainsi au regard du spectateur une densité soutenue par la lecture des poèmes de Lawrence Ferlinghetti, de Lidia Chiarelli et les haiku d'Aeronwy Thomas et bien d'autres qui cadencent l'exposition, sublimant le désir de l'artiste accompli Gianpiero Actis de nous inviter
par son travail éclectique quelques instants à l'essentiel: .... les yeux sont des prodigieux matériaux pour contempler et refléter la beauté de la vie terrestre....
Sylvia Adjabroux, Artiste - Critique d'art , Bordeaux, France - décembre 2014
Gianpiero Actis, l'artiste, a une formation en ophtalmologie et ça se voit dans la série de tableaux qu'il présente pour l'exposition « Les Regards des Artistes - Pour vos yeux seulement ». Dans cette série, l'artiste lance des clins d'oeil en hommage aux nombreux artistes qui ont marqué l'Histoire de l'Art au 20e siècle. Gianpiero présente aussi sa marque dans l'oeil de présent par lignes et couleurs s'inspirant de poèmes de quelques poètes dont la vision a su rejoindre la sienne. À travers un paysage linéaire très coloré, l'oeil toujours présent nous invite à voir large et rond comme la vie et l'ensemble de ses allégories.
Huguette Bertrand, Québec, Canada, novembre 2014
Fabrizio Legger su Il Monviso
"Omaggio a Carena e personali d'artista" 12-12-2014
"Colori e incanti pittorici in riva al Po" 19-12-2014
For the video video of the exhibition go to:
Tribute to Miró, Kandinskij, Picasso, Magritte (panel with 4 paintings 50 x 50 cms, each)
Land of Magic
…All of this in time suspended
The universe holding its breath
There is a hush in the air…
(from: “A heap of Broken Images”)
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
In the land of magic
we wander on the paths
of an unknown world.
Magritte’s eyes
floating in the clouds
the empty, glaucous orbits
of Modi
Marilyn’s dreamy, tired eyes
all astonished look around
We pause and listen to
their silent message
sinking deeper into a spiral of colors
are slowly captured
by a strange
Lidia Chiarelli, 2014
Image & Poetry
for Jackson Pollock
Pollock-Krasner House, East Hampton
Now at last
I see you
Jackson Pollock
kneeling on the floor
handling sticks and brushes
dripping paints on your canvas.
From the dark night of your mind
a different universe emerges
new galaxies
(long looping lines)
take form
as your hands move rapidly around
formless and timeless realms
where I sink deep and deeper
wrapped in the colours
of your Greyed Rainbow.
For a while I will linger and listen to
the silence of the ocean
(or maybe to the roaring motor of your Oldsmobile convertible)
then – tonight –
I will write a poem just for you
Jackson Pollock.
Lidia Chiarelli, August 2, 2012
Winter Concert
And the whole city sleeping drifts . . .
like a lost airship
of the immense mystery
—Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Winter Concert
That—as sweet notes—
the raindrops
this cold evening.
the lights of the shop-windows
as always tell
their illusory tales.
We walk in silence
strangers, distracted
while the city
oddly empty
wraps us up in a damp embrace.
Lidia Chiarelli, 2010
Timeless World
Glances towards
a world without time
where silent creatures
float and lose themselves
in a sea of crystal
drops of colour settle
on veils of ice
street lamps
from times past
splinters of light
filter through
the dark night
Lidia Chiarelli, 2008
translated by Aeronwy Thomas
(inspired by Gianpiero Actis’ Floating Eyes
series of paintings)
Circle Line
Others will enter the gates of the ferry and cross from shore to shore…
Others will see the shipping of Manhattan north and west…
Walt Whitman
The boat that takes us to
Ellis Island
slowly glides
on the water of the East River.
The haze of the summer storm
on the buildings of Brooklyn and of Queens
is a thin mist
that muffles the noise
already weak
on a summer Sunday.
Mirage of a new world
unreal like in a dream
the Statue of Liberty
raises her torch towards a leaden sky.
I, too, America, want to live your dream.
Lidia Chiarelli 2010, New York
Aeronwy' Star
Poem for Aeronwy Thomas
So bright and pure
the light of your star
on this summer night
is a gentle twinkling
on the Taff estuary.
Open pages
which the wind turns over.
Your words
still and always here
to create
images and soft tunes
lulled slowly
by the breath of the Welsh sea.
Lidia Chiarelli, 2009
Diamonds are forever
Ian Fleming
The sliding door
opens wide, quiet and appealing
Welcome to Tiffany
the Aladin’s cave
of the Twenty-first century.
The sultriness of this summer afternoon
is already behind me.
A soft pink carpet
is ready for my steps
- ever so stealthy -
while the humming of the air conditioning
becomes a sweet tune.
I cautiously hang about
among the shining display cabinets
jewels with refined designs
peep out.
Going up
The lift boy
invites me kindly.
On the second floor
solitaire diamonds
- marquise cut -
tell distant tales
of mahrajahs and queens.
Going up
Gift department.
A very smart shop assistant
puts the presents
- which in Italy they expect from me -
into a Tiffany-blue bag
and smiles.
I’m smiling too, now:
like a new Audrey Hepburn
today I have become part of
Tiffany’s legend.
Lidia Chiarelli, 2010, New York
Took the seashore road
and sat and watched the sea
A bird became a butterfly
and landed on my knee
Who was the alien
whose land was it
Whose sea ?
She waved a wing tremulously
not sure of anything
the whole world swaying
And I not sure of anything
agreed with everything
that she was saying
As the pollen from her wings
flowered down on me
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
from: Far rockaway of the heart
courtesy Lawrence Ferlinghetti
In the Blue
I see the world
when I close my eyes
when I listen in the blue.
I hear a voice which has lived
in the blue so long that it contains
all memories, all mistakes, all fantasies.
A voice in zero, where it’s quiet
so quiet that I can hear all names
in one name, where the blue flame licks
this name to a burning whisper,
the voice that lifts you from inside
takes you out to sea
where a thunderstorm is building
and brings you back over the still water,
the voice that goes
where nobody else dares.
That voice burns in me,
in the blue.
Agneta Falk
courtesy Agneta Falk
Floating Eyes
Eyes float like seaweed
On perfect blue waters
To see fish bolt or approach
Look into the deep
To see fish greet you
Nature and man reconciled
Look into the depth
Fish approach, jump with joy
A meeting
Aeronwy Thomas
It has been there some time
When I entered the room
It was already there
It seems to be of two colours
But then in certain lights
It has to be three or four
Or even more
But then it appears
Almost colourless
I wouldn’t swear to it
Being coloured at all
It’s spherical in shape
I’m sure of that
Not so sure really
Truth be known
From another angle
It could be round
Or flat or multi shaped
Starshaped with sharp corners
Now I’m getting fanciful
It is after all
A very simple object
Or so I think
Until I approach it
And it is blinking
On and off, on and off
I think my eyesight
Must be faulty
It emits no light
Rather a dull thing
In fact
And when I pick it up
A bit of a deadweight
Not light and feathery
As I had supposed
A bit of a disappointment
I expected more
From the object
When I first saw it
The object in the middle of the room
Or was it to one side
I don’t quite remember
It’s playing on my mind
My mind, my mind
If it was ever there
This object.
Aeronwy Thomas
The Colour of Eyes
Through the intertwining
of passionflower and bougainvillea vines,
a sky, ultramarine, dazzles
This is the colour of my eyes
which only now
in the retrospect of age
can view the youth
that once was theirs
The sky melts into purples and golds,
and in the air, an almost-autumn coolness
now three stars, the Sabbath is over
and a week, mundane like all the rest,
I am old
and can do nothing
but accept it
© 8.2011 Helen Bar-Lev
Childhood laid out like small print
eludes me even with bifocals
I squint and strain to push away
fuzz-clouds and pages left out
in the rain of years
now smudged and trodden
into muddied memories
My adult vision concerned with
posing before mirrors
straightening my tie
have broken up that innocence
into shards of its original completeness
leaving only a partly reconstructed
semblance of how new
and bright my eyes were then
Sometimes a fragment found
quite unexpected suddenly completes
a puzzle section missing for years
A song heard in an old recording
a face discovered in an album
a little gelateria in Napoli
where vanilla tastes the same
as on that day I rode
my red and silver tricycle
across a fragrant lawn
between a row of brilliant blue
and yellow croquet hoops
to get a second helping
from a smiling Mum
© 9.2013 Johnmichael Simon